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Top Suboxone Rehab Centers

Suboxone is a drug that is sometimes given to patients who are recovering from opiate addiction. While Suboxone is also an opiate, it produces a lesser high when compared to similar drugs. However, it still causes dependence, and its discontinuance can produce unpleasant withdrawal effects including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and insomnia. Residential rehabilitation programs provide addicts with the tools they need to stop using the drug and overcome the withdrawal symptoms associated with its discontinuance. If you or someone in your family is struggling with Suboxone addiction and in need of a top inpatient Suboxone rehab facility, help is just a phone call away. The first step of addiction recovery is admitting your struggles to yourself and your family.

Choosing the Best Private Suboxone Treatment Facility

Private Suboxone addiction recovery centers enable users to break the cycle of addiction and learn the skills they require to function without the drug. These centers provide counseling on psychological, legal, financial and social issues related to the drug abuse. Aside from counseling, patients may also participate in occupational therapy, exercise, community building, yoga, acupuncture and artistic activities. Patients not only have no access to Suboxone, but also little or no time to think about the drug. Professional addiction recovery programs draw on experience, research and community to increase the chances of recovery success. Some facilities also provide sober living homes, which are drug-free environments where recovering and recovered addicts can benefit from the support of their peers.

Suboxone TreatmentNaltrexone, which is administered in the form of an implant, fills up the opiate receptors in the patient’s brain. This weans the patient off Suboxone, short circuits his or her cravings and reduces the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.
In addiction treatment centers, the recovery process often begins with detoxification. Suboxone detoxification sometimes involves Naltrexone therapy. Naltrexone, which is administered in the form of an implant, fills up the opiate receptors in the patient’s brain. This weans the patient off Suboxone, short circuits his or her cravings and reduces the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. By providing clinical support throughout the detoxification process, rehab centers are able to reduce the chances of relapse. The second step of the recovery process is behavior treatment, which addresses the psychological, emotional and social roots of the addiction. Behavior treatment also includes relapse prevention; patients are taught how to avoid and if necessary confront harmful situations in the future, communicate more effectively about their problems and restore their integrity, ethics and morals.

With more than 11,000 private drug treatment centers in the United States, choosing the right center or program for yourself or your family member can seem daunting. One of the most important factors to consider is the average length of residency. Research shows that individuals who enter 45-90 day Suboxone rehabilitation centers are more likely to stay drug-free. Also, while rehabs aren’t required to be licensed or accredited, those that are offer quality treatment and often have more professional staff. Lastly, choose a rehab that offers dual-diagnosis treatment, because addicts often have undiagnosed mental disorders. If you need assistance finding a licensed or accredited Suboxone addiction treatment facility for you or your family member, call us toll-free at 1-888-968-9816 Who Answers? for immediate assistance. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.